Validation of a high-throughput sausage casing model for the assessment of bacterial inactivation affected by salt concentration, pH, and temperature – 2019

Authors J.J. Wijnker, P.M.W. Janssen14, S. Cebeci14, K. van Koerten14, M. Bekker14 Journal Journal of Food Protection, 82 (2019) 1769-1774 Summary Previous studies have shown the efficacy of high concentrations of salt as the main preservative against vegetative bacteria present in natural sausage casings. These studies were limited in the number of variables and the […]

Quality management of Halophilic bacteria in casings – 2017

Authors A.D. van Diepeningen13, A.H.G. Gerrits van den Ende13, G.S. de Hoog13, K. Westerland13 Journal ISWG report (2016) | ENSCA report (2017) Summary Different groups of microorganisms are adapted to extreme salt conditions. Halophilic proteobacteria have been isolated from both salt stocks and from casings and are responsible for observed red (‘red dog’) to purple/black […]

Establishing safe thresholds for spore formers in the casings industry – 2013

Authors W. Alkema11, I. Mierau11, S. Stringer12 Journal ISWG report (2013) Summary Establishing correct and safe threshold values for the occurrence of spore-forming organisms on natural casings is important for the casings industry. The industry wanted to know whether the current threshold values are valid and scientifically sound or if there is scientific or other […]

Bacterial spores on natural casings and means of control or elimination – 2011

Author B.R. Berends10 Journal ISWG report (2011) Summary This paper provides an overview of available methods that may control or eliminate spores in and on natural casings and evaluates which of these methods may be used in the production process without detrimental effects on the technological or organoleptic properties of natural casings. Part one provides […]

Reduction of Clostridium sporogenes spore outgrowth in natural sausage casings using nisin – 2011

Authors J.J. Wijnker, E.A.W.S. Weerts8, E.J. Breukink9, J.H. Houben, L.J.A. Lipman Journal Food Microbiology, 28 (2011) 974-979 Summary Preservation of natural sausage casings using dry salt or saturated brine is regarded as sufficient to inactivate vegetative pathogenic non-spore-forming bacteria present on the casings. Although the outgrowth of bacterial spores is prevented by salt or saturated […]

A survey of dry-salted natural casings for the presence of Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes and sulphite-reducing Clostridium spores – 2005

Author J.H. Houben4 Journal Food Microbiology, 22 (2005) 221-225 Summary A monitoring study was performed for the presence of Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and sulphite-reducing Clostridium spores in dry-salted natural hog and sheep casings. These casings were sourced from New Zealand (sheep casings), the United Kingdom (sheep casings), China (hog and sheep casings), and the […]

Study on emerging pathogens in natural sausage casing – 2000

Author J. Bockemühl3 Journal Final report (2000) Summary The objectives of this study were to investigate the incidence of Salmonella, Listeria, Shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), and Campylobacter in freshly harvested natural sausage casings and to examine the effect of traditional salting of the casings on the elimination of the mentioned organisms after 30 days of […]

Microbiological investigation of natural casings – 1990 | 1994

Author F. Wirth2 Journal Report Invest. No. 68-81 (1990) | Invest. No. 34-55 (1994) Summary In 1990 and 1994 the German Zentralverband Naturdarm (ZVN) commissioned a study on the microbial aspects of casings after prolonged storage at 4 and 22 ºC. In addition, the usability of these casings for further processing was also evaluated. Results […]


The production of foodstuffs that meet applicable food safety and public health criteria is a prerequisite for any food producer. Given the specific origin of casings, being the intestinal tract of animals, various studies have been done over the years to show the efficacy of preserving casings either in dry salt (NaCl) or using a […]